Naturally delay the symptoms of aging!

Naturally delay the symptoms of aging!

Aging is a normal phenomenon that inevitably applies to any living organism. All cellular structures, from the simplest to the most complex, are born, live, and die.

Of course, people do not die of old age, but of the serious diseases that occur in the elderly (cancer, stroke, heart disease, etc.).

However, from a biological point of view, age influences the process of cell proliferation. To put it simply, the cells of the elderly cease to proliferate, and therefore cannot repair the damage.

Science, as well as various philosophical and religious currents, have been trying for centuries to discover the causes of aging.

Their interest is not merely literary, since from the time of the Alchemists to the present day, everyone has been looking for the "elixir of life", that is, a way of delaying aging.


Not everything is written to our fate…

Over 300 scientific theories have been put forward for the causes of aging, some contradicting each other. In recent years researchers have agreed on the dominant theories, which at least do not disprove each other.

The first thing that the scientific community has now come to realize is that aging and longevity depend on heredity and the environment.

At a rate of 25% - 30% genes play a role. But 75% of our life span is determined by environmental conditions.

This conclusion is especially poignant because it shows that with small or larger changes in our lifestyle, we can live longer and above all enjoy a quality life.

Cellular damage is an integral part of aging and life itself, but how we live can reduce the speed at which cellular structures are destroyed.

The basic theories about aging 

An essential factor for aging is the free radicals caused by the various oxidizing substances.

Free radicals are unstable atoms created by various physiological functions of the body such as breathing and metabolism. Antioxidants are usually neutralized before they can cause damage.

Unfortunately, if they stay in the body for a number of reasons such as malnutrition, air pollution, alcohol, drugs and stress, they cause oxidative damage to DNA and various cells.

Specific roles in the aging process appear to be glycotoxins. These substances are formed in the body when proteins or fats are combined with sugars. Glucotoxins adhere to other proteins and cause cross-links that inhibit the normal function of proteins, resulting in damage to adjacent cells.

This can be done either naturally in foods containing sugar, or in cooking meat and other foods at high temperatures which result in the production of chemicals.

Research has implicated glucotoxins for many ailments, from wrinkles and diabetes, to Alzheimer's.

Solar radiation or exposure to other radiation such as radioactivity is an additional factor that causes DNA damage. When these lesions are large, the cells cannot repair them.

Of course, in addition to toxic substances and diet, there may be damage to DNA replication, which leads to mutations that destroy cells.

In recent years, scientists have linked the aging process to the reduction in telomere length.

Telomeres are caps on the ends of chromosomes that prevent DNA from unfolding. Imagine that chromosomes are something like shoelaces and telomeres the plastic housing at the ends of the shoelaces.

Each time a cell divides, telomeres shorten. At some stage the telomeres become so close that the cells cannot be copied and repaired.

How to «delay» time

At present, aging cannot be prevented. But there is a way to live more (and better) years by improving our way of life.

Alpha and Omega to prolong youth are a diet rich in antioxidants. One such class of substances are certain vitamins such as A, C and E.

Antioxidants such as vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols neutralize the free radicals of oxygen that attack the cells.

Antioxidants are found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, there are other products such as wine, tea, curcumin that have antioxidant activity.

Adequate sleep seems to help maintain a youthful body. Eight hours of sleep can regenerate our skin through the production of collagen, maintain joint and bone flexibility, reduce stress levels.

Anxiety reduction plays an important role in anti-aging. Stress hormones such as cortisol depress the brain and other tissues. Relaxation and meditation techniques remove stress and help maintain health.

Positive thoughts have the same effect. People who are not consumed with unpleasant and stressful thoughts live longer.

Equally important are social contacts. Relationships with family and friends, relationships with other people make us happy. Hormones of happiness strengthen the immune system and delay aging.

Regular exercise regulates hormones and helps to treat sarcopenia affecting the elderly. By sarcopenia we mean the reduction of muscle tissue.

In addition to the mind, bones and body, it is important to protect the skin. The biggest enemy of the skin is sunlight. If you use sunscreen regularly, you will avoid wrinkles and spots.

Aloe has healing and moisturizing properties for the skin. Also, preparations containing hyaluronic acid retain water in the skin and create a protective wall.



Nikola Getoff, (2007), Anti-aging and Aging factors is life. The role of free radicals. Science Direct. Vol 76,

Silke K. Schagen, Vasiliki Zampeli, et al, (2012), Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging. Journal Dermato-Endocrinology, Vol4,


By Dr Angel,

Aggeliki Koskeridou

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc Health Psychology

insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 



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