What are probiotics and where are do we find them?

What are probiotics and where are do we find them?

Probiotics are nothing more than live bacteria and yeasts, which benefit our organism and especially our digestive system. Due to the fact that they are beneficial for our organism, they are also characterized as "good" microorganisms. They are found in some foods and dietary supplements and they look very similar to probiotics that are naturally present in our gut.



What is the effect of probiotics?

The latter characteristic of probiotics is that making foods and supplements containing probiotics important for our health. In particular, they have the capacity to enhance the work of our 'good' bacteria.

Any reduction in the population of these bacteria in our gut can disrupt the smooth functioning of our digestive system in general, as is typically the case during or after antibiotic therapy.


In which cases is essential to be consumed?

There are many reasons that cause inflammation in our gut. These include:

- chronic, prolonged use of antibiotics

- consumption of foods with a high sugar content

- reduced consumption of high-fiber foods

Separately, and in combination, of course, these reasons reinforce in one way the harmful pathogenic bacteria found in our gut. This results inflammation that causes metabolic and immune deficiency as well as weight gain.

Research has shown that certain strains of probiotics can play an important role in weight loss as well as in the treatment of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, infectious diarrhea and are still linked to the prevention of allergies and colds.


What products contain probiotics?

Yoghurt. It is made by adding two types of bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus) to pasteurized milk. Although most yogurts are a reliable source of protein, they do not contain all probiotics, and this is because of the heat treatment they suffer after fermentation. So be sure to check on the label the phrase 'live and active yogurt cultivation'. It is also important not to contain additional sugars.


Dark chocolate. It has been found to contain not only probiotics but also prebiotics, that is to say, dietary fibers which feed the "good" bacteria of the intestine. For even greater benefit to the body, choose sugar free chocolate with content of cocoa at least 70%.


Peas. According to research by Japanese researchers, peanut contains a powerful probiotic, which is associated with fermentation in low temperature conditions. This is Leuconostoc mesenteroides. For even better results, consume with fresh pasta, salad or omelette. 


Dried cabbage. It is a vegetable rich in Lactobacillus bacteria. These bacteria contribute to healthy bowel flora and strengthen the immune system. Be careful not to be pasteurized.


Kefir. Although it looks like yoghurt, it is estimated to be an even better product, especially for those who are intolerant to dairy products. Its bacteria also have the property of colonizing the intestinal tract, which makes them particularly effective in their therapeutic properties.


Miso. It is a soy product created by the fermentation of soy with specific fungi. These fungi develop lactobacilli and enzymes that are particularly nutritious for the digestive process, while helping to better absorb nutrients.


Ripe, soft cheeses. Cheddar, gouda and parmesan are the only soft, ripened cheeses that retain the beneficial bacteria they contain. As cheeses mature, the more beneficial their bacteria are for the intestine.


Olives. Those that are naturally fermented in salt contain probiotics.

source: www.logodiatrofis.gr, www.ofarmakopoiosmou.gr


By Dr Angel,

Aggeliki Koskeridou

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc c. Health Psychology


insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 



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