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Everything you need to know about alkaline nutrition!

Everything you need to know about alkaline nutrition:

The human body is made to function in a slightly alkaline environment. Unfortunately, due to the modern lifestyle, the opposite is often the case. That is, acidic conditions prevail, resulting in damage that acts cumulatively and leads to serious illnesses.

The relationship between acids and alkali is measured on a scale of 1 to 14, known as the pH scale.

The pH expresses the concentration of hydrogen ions, which are positively charged, in any solution. Values below 7 indicate acidic pH, above 7 indicate alkaline pH, while a value of just 7 indicates neutral pH.

Under normal conditions, the pH of human blood is 7.35 - 7.45 which is slightly alkaline. However, for a number of reasons this price fluctuates. Also, the human body has different values in each system.

A high concentration of acids in the blood will deprive the cells of oxygen and block the metabolism process. This will lead to weight gain, even in serious cellular damage and degenerative diseases

Acidic environment: A hard mob

Metabolic "waste" is the main cause of the accumulation of acids in the body. Imagine the process of burning a wood in a fireplace, where in addition to energy (heat) a ash is created.

Something similar happens with the metabolic process. The body burns food to gain energy. When this acidosis is acidic, it is transported throughout the body, resulting in accumulation of toxins that cause serious diseases and obesity.

Imagine the process as a vicious circle. Our body to deal with toxins binds minerals and other components, prevents valuable energy and slows down metabolism.

In addition to the intake of food, there are other factors that promote the creation of an acidic environment such as air pollution, chemicals, pressure, etc.


Eat alkaline foods:

Based on the alkaline diet, in order to maintain the pH at normal levels, a diet containing 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic should be made. However, the proportion of alkaline foods should be increased to 80% and, consequently, the acid content to be reduced to 20%.

The foods that create the acidic environment are meats, eggs, most dairy products, sugar, white fresh, alcohol, fresh and processed foods.


The most alkaline foods are fresh fruits and vegetables. Lemon for example, despite its acidic taste, has an alkaline effect in the digestive process. Sea salts are also a good source of alkalis.

In another article, we will give you a detailed table with food classification. In general, plant foods are alkaline, but not all. For example there are nuts that are alkaline and nuts that are acidic.

It should be clarified that the body's pH requirements vary depending on the organ and its function. A relative reliability of the body's overall image can give us a blood pH measurement.


Also, it is good to make clear that foods help to alkalize the body to some extent, their potentials are not infinite. In any case, a diet based on fruits and vegetables is sure to provide better health.

If you have questions or reasonable suspicions that your pH is acidic, it is advisable to consult a physiopath. In addition, special antioxidant and alkaline blends can be purchased from specialist stores.


BY Dr Angel,

Αγγελική Κοσκερίδου

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc Health Psychology


insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 


L. Lee Hamm, Nazih Nakhoul et al, (2015), Acid Base Homeostasis, NCBI, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4670772/.

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