What should we eat to have better memory?

Boost your diet with vitamin D!

Soon we will count a month that we are in quarantine and essentially in a state of confinement. The days are not few, of course, and we must keep in mind that we do not yet know exactly when this emergency will end.

Detoxification, Nausea Therapy, Fruit Eating & Alkalization for protection from COVID-19

Detoxification, Nausea Therapy, Fruit Eating & Alkalization for protection from COVID-19



The planet welcomes Physiopathic education in our lives!


The flu is caused by viruses that attach to the cell. Their structure includes particles consisting of a protein envelope in which their genetic material is present. Typically, this is a nucleic acid molecule, (DNA, or RNA) either single- or double-stranded, linear, circular (chain), or even in separate segments.

What surfaces should we regularly disinfect throughout the day

Which surfaces should we regularly disinfect throughout the day:


The coronavirus pandemic has confronted us with many situations that we may find difficult to handle.

A key issue is what we need to disinfect.

  5 food combinations and quick recipes to boost your immune system

To boost our immune system with specific foods that contain substances in enhanced amounts, such as vitamins, manganese, beta-carotene, fiber, trace elements or our body-friendly bacteria, we have been reported. And if you haven't already been updated, you can see a related article directly here.

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